Folk Art Bingcha
Harvested and pressed into a traditional bingcha shape in 2005, this green (sheng) pu-erh is from Qian Jia Zhai in northeastern Yunnan. The flavor is smooth and slightly earthy, with a fresh aroma of cut bamboo; the pleasantly sweet aftertaste holds up through many infusions. It has aged well, and is excellent to drink now. The wrapping paper is a folk art design representing the native birds and trees in the local old forests.
Steep with water just under boiling (195–200° F); rinse leaves quickly before the first infusion, and enjoy multiple cups from the same leaves.
Country: China
Region: Yunnan
Tasting Notes: bamboo, earthy, smooth
Year of Production: 2005
380 g
195-200º F
3-5 grams, 3 minute steep
⅓ full, 10-30 second steep